【originele tekst】
De rollater is licht van gewicht. Uitstekend te hanteren en handzaam. Geeft vertrouwen bij het lopen en handelen. Heeft zitcomfort en is voorzien van een uitneembare draagtastas voor boodschappen. Bovendien straalt zijn vormgeving en uitrusting een designniveua uit. Ook de voetsteun is erg gemakkelijk in gebruik om trottoirbanden over te steken. Kortom gelet op de ledenprijs z'n geld meer dan waard. Een niet meer te missen apparaat, wanneer je het eenmaal in gebruik hebt gehad.
De rollator is nu circa 1 jaar ingebruik. De inmiddels opgedane ervaringen, zijn ook nu weer buitengewoon positief. U vervaardigde een zeer waardevol product voor hen die een hulp voor inmobiliteit nodig hebben. De destijds verstrekte woorden in de review kunnen opnieuw worden onderstreept. Wij zijn u erg dankbaar!
【Translation in English】
The rollator is lightweight. Excellent to handle and handy. Gives confidence when walking and acting. Is comfortable for sitting and is equipped with a removable bag for groceries. It looks very well designed by it’s form. The footrest is very easy to use for stabbing over curbs. More than worth the money. A not to miss device, if you’ve had it in use for once.
The walker is now approximately one year in use. The obtained experience are again extremely positive. You made a very valuable product for those who need a help to inmobiliteit. Then the words in the review provided can be re-emphasized. We are very grateful.

I really like the redesign on the hand grips!! Now being able to support for the hand (rather gripping -- holding the had grips tightly) is so much more comfortable, and will be very helpful for those who difficulty ``holding`` onto something (for example, a person whose hands have been disfigured by cerebral palsy).
Your Access-Active Rollator is truly an award-winning design. Please express my thankfulness to your team for their thoughtful design and functional, enabling engineering.
Thank you again..the Active Rollator is her new best friend 🙂
I can walk can not stand. Thank you for designing a chair, shopping helper I can use and not feel like I'm missing out. I ordered my rollator today. I like the word active on it.
Looking forward to the assistance of this product, and getting out on my own. It's spring thank you...best looking device in the shop : )
so do the people in the PT clinic I go to. It is the best.
Arthur, Illinois, US

I do go on very rough grounds and cobbled walk ways at times. Think I put your product to the test, with the places I to go with my husband and grandchildren .I do live life to the full!!!!!!!!!!! thanks to my rollator.
I have found some lovely ways of adding touches,adding my personality to my rollator. Its fun too, as I recieve some nice comments.
Very best wishes Jackie, UK

I'm also in a 4-year research study at the National Institutes of Health. Everyone there who has seen my walker is stunned by its design and functionality! The comments/reactions by doctors, nurses, MRI technicians `{`to name a few`}` would make great advertisements
The following comment was made about the Active walker on Amazon: This walker is very stable, gets around the house well, and handled gravel, pebbles and muddy areas in the yard ok too. The kerb step-up function works well and is useful. Has a seat and a basket. Easy to fold flat using one-finger lever, smooth operation. The physical therapist recommended that the handle height should be approx level to hip bone for best comfort for me.
Margie, USA
Absolutely the best walker
This says a very satisfied customer from Atlanta, USA, who got the Active rollator onAmazon: I purchased this walker a while ago, when they first became available in the US. I am enormously happy with this purchase. It is stable on all terrains and easy to operate.
I have severely compromised balance and this allows me to move around in the school I work in without fear of being knocked over. When I am in my classroom, it is next to my desk and students, visitors, and parents are drawn to it, and often ask if they can sit on it. I also take it and use it as a seat when I am photographing baseball and when I go outside to walk my dogs.
This is a greatly improved, stable and stylish walker that addresses the user’s needs safely without looking too clinical. The large front tires are an incredible enhancement. If you can’t afford one, it is worth saving for, rather than settling for what your insurance will pay for. I give it 5 stars. It will only enhance your life if you have mobility issues that require you to use a walker. The following comment was added by the Access- team: Cushion sets are now available in 7 different colors.
Quality of life
I can’t tell you how much I appreciate your product! It has made a huge impact on my father’s quality of life. The Active four wheeled walker does not look like an “old person’s” walker” like a lot of other models do. I love it being a product suitable for people with mobility problems, regardless of age.
And the “cool” factor is definitely apparent in the rollator. When I took my father to the dentist the other day, a young woman (maybe 25 years old) with multiple sclerosis was in the waiting room and asked to try it out. When I told her that she could customize it with different color seat covers (she wanted pink), she said she was going to jump on the internet and buy herself one. So, it seems like a big hit here in our area!
A Banas, US
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