Stay Active with your rollator
A rollator can be a great tool in helping you reach the recommended 30 minutes daily activity, as well as an excellent all-round mobility support improving blood circulation and general health.
Moreover, it enhances involvement in social activities resulting in greater self-esteem and quality of life among the users.
There have been several studies around the use of walking aids, including rollators and their benfits.
We have gathered and summarised some of the findings relating to rollators in our Stay Healthy section.
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Waar kan ik deze rollator bekijken en evt aankopen in Maastricht?
Graag zsm antwoord in het Nederlands
Vriendelijke groet, Julie
Dear J. Sondeijker-Tilli
Bedankt voor uw Access Vital.
U kunt meer product informatie vinden en de aankoop van uw Active Rollator Lichtgewicht hier:
Ik wens je een prachtige dag!
Best regards
Cai Syuan Wu
Logistic Manager Rollator Dept.
Access Vital AS
Head Office : +47 405 66 336
P.o. Box 430, 2303 Hamar, Norway
NO 981 375 858 MVA
Where are these sold in the US? What height range to they serve?
Dear Aileen
Thank you for contacting Access Vital.
You can purchase Active rollator from one of our partners here:
I wish you a lovely day!
Best regards
Cai Syuan Wu
Logistic Manager Rollator Dept.
Access Vital AS
Head Office : +47 405 66 336
P.o. Box 430, 2303 Hamar, Norway
NO 981 375 858 MVA
I am eager to acquire one of your rollators (and some of its accesories.). Pls indicate whether I can buy it on-line and have it forwarded to Rio de Janeiro/Brazil.
Tks and rgds.
Dear Mr. Ary Miranda
Thank you for contacting Access Vital.
I am sorry but currently we don’t have any dealer in Brazil and it will cost you a fortune on freight if we ship your rollator from Norway.
I would suggest you contact our distribution, Core distribution in USA in order to purchase your Active rollator.
You can find their contact information here:
Best regards
Cai Syuan Wu
Logistic Manager Rollator Dept.
Access Vital AS
Head Office : +47 405 66 336
P.o. Box 430, 2303 Hamar, Norway
NO 981 375 858 MVA
good evening,
I would like to buy the Active swivel wheel stopper but it’s not for sale in the Netherlands so it seems.
Can you help me ?
Dear Adrie
Thank you for contacting Access Vital.
Please contact our authrozied distributor in the Netherlands,
to purchase this accessory.
I wish you a great day!
Cai Logistikk og innkjøpsansvarlig Rullator
Access Vital AS
Telefon : +47 405 66 336